Journal of Ophthalmic Research and Vision Care (JORVC) is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to ophthalmologists, ophthalmic researchers emphasize on the scientific knowledge, innovative devices and discoveries making up-to-date information of articles regarding anatomy, physiology, disease diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the eye.
Journal welcomes wide-ranging article types such as research articles, review articles, short communications, case reports, perspectives, editorials, etc. in the field of ophthalmology make them freely available to the readers globally.
JORVC is a wide-ranging, peer reviewed journal devoted to ophthalmology. It provides a platform for scientists/researchers and scholars, doctors, all over the globe to promote, share, and discuss various current aspects and innovations in different areas of vision science.
All submissions to the JORVC undergo a loyal, supportive, and double-blind peer-review process. All articles are immediately available to read and reuse upon publication. Articles published in JORVC enables user/ reader/ peer to use the content with clear permission in a way that it can be reused and redistributed as long as the article source is appropriately given credit for non-commercial purpose.
Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
JORVC welcomes direct submissions of manuscripts from authors to the submission portal in website and also through as an attachment.